Film Analysis II: Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz(1939) directed by Victor Flemming. The Wizard of Oz is one of the most globally recognized films ever made. One of the movie’s most prominent features is its coloring. The movie starts off in Kansas where everything is sepia toned and has a dreary appearance to it. After the tornado is seen … More Film Analysis II: Wizard of Oz

Artist Presentation: Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa was a very hands-on filmmaker and was passionately devoted throughout every aspect of the filmmaking process. He would write the scripts, oversee the design, rehearse the actors, set up the shots, then do all the editing. Composing Movement– Akira Kurosawa was a master of orchestrating movement within every shot of his films. Often … More Artist Presentation: Akira Kurosawa

Golden Spiral

The Golden Spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is φ, the “Golden Ratio”. This means a golden spiral gets wider by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes. The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio that is commonly found in nature. Two quantities  are in the golden ratio if their ratio is … More Golden Spiral

Contour Line Drawing

Contour Line Drawing is a technique used by artists that involves sketching the contour lines of a subject resulting in, essentially, an outline of the subject. Contour drawing is used to emphasize the mass and volume of a subject rather than its details. Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American artist … More Contour Line Drawing